Thursday, November 1, 2007

Motorway to Roswell

If this says anything about BYU (besides some of it just being a little funny) I think it's pretty good. BYU has its own police force, independent of Provo's Police. Each week, in the paper, they have the Police Beat. Here's last week's as posted on BYU's Newsnet website. I doubt it's every call the police get, but some of the notable calls. Sometimes, the calls are just funny. Hopefully the BYU police aren't too busy with craziness.

Tip of the week: If you observe something suspicious, report it. Don't talk yourself out of it or think someone else will report it. Although most suspicious reports turn out to be nothing, sometimes it is one report that is the pivotal point in being able to identify a criminal. Also, many times several reports combined will give the necessary information. Force yourself to take note of suspicious happenings. The more information you can give the police, the easier it will be for them to solve the crime.


Oct. 17: A female student living in Wyview Park received a phone call from a suspicious man. The suspect claimed to be a psychology student conducting a project, and attempted to put her in a hypnotic trance. She gave him a false name when he asked for her name. When she finally told him she had had enough, he immediately hung up.

Criminal mischief

Oct. 19: A BYU employee reported that someone had slashed his tire in a parking lot near the Fletcher Building. He was parked in a handicapped stall and had a handicapped placard in his window. The tire was damaged to the point that it cannot be fixed. There are no suspects at this time.

Oct. 22: A trail of drizzled paint was reported near Tingey Hall in Heritage, drizzled over a distance of approximately 100 yards through the parking lot and on the sidewalk.


Oct. 18: A female employee in the Wilkinson Center post office reported a suspicious male coming into the post office quite frequently. He engages her in conversation for long periods of time and disrupts her work, even though she tries to avoid him. She described him as 5'11", 250 pounds, with long hair and a full beard.

Information report

Oct 17: A 21-year-old male student was arrested from his off-campus apartment. He was booked on charges of enticing a minor and dealing harmful material to a minor. He was also served a letter banning him from campus. He is now a former student.

Public peace

Oct. 17: The police got a call reporting that protesters in the JFSB Quad were hanging posters on the walls. This is against policy, so the police spoke to the individuals. They complied and took the posters down. This issue was then handed over to the dean of student life.


Oct. 16: A 32-year-old male was accused of stalking individuals on campus. This individual has issued several verbal threats against a BYU employee. He has been on campus since he was banned from campus for his activities. As a result, he was arrested. In addition, he had other charges filed on him by the Orem Police Department. He was served a permanent ban letter from BYU campus. This is an ongoing investigation.

Suspicious circumstances

Oct. 16: A suspicious bag was reported at an elevator in the JFSB. It was gone when the officer arrived.

Oct. 18: A suspicious man was reported meandering through Wyview Park. When police arrived, they discovered he was a resident. The 18-year-old student was having a hard time sleeping so he went outside to meditate. The officer talked to him and referred him to the counseling center.

Oct. 18: Three individuals were reported wearing black hoods and scaring females near Chipman Hall in Helaman Halls. They were gone when officers arrived.


Oct. 9-10: A digital camera was reported stolen from the room of a female student living in Wymount Terrace. The victim claimed that her doors were locked. The Olympus camera is valued at $250.

Oct. 15-16: An unlocked bicycle was taken from a bike rack near Gates Hall in Heritage Halls. The green and silver Next Avalon is valued at $70.

Oct. 19: A projector was taken from room 133 of the TMCB. It is valued at $1200. There are no suspects.

1 comment:

Debi Lassen said...

what a blessing to not have anything too serious reported! That is part of the greatness of BYU and Provo. I'm so happy you can attend and live there.