Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Happening

Orig: June 26, 2007

I'm kinda happened out. I guess this is what happens when you sit in the library for several hours. I studied for the DAT for about 4 hours, and have been chilling for the past 45 min, checking out paddleboards for sale online new and used. Also looked for a digital camera for under $150 (although we probably can't afford that right now.

After all that, read the latest from family blogs and thought about creating my own, except I don't wanna be too trendy or anything. That's why I'm doing it on googlepages, my own way (sort of). If only I could figure out how to get this page to show up in search engines like it says it's supposed to (they say it takes a few hours, mine hasn't been picked up in a few months).

I walked to school cuz somehow a big hole appeared in the side of my bicycle tire, like a little tank inside the tube shot a hole out from the inside. Go figure. Funny enough, I checked out for bikes and they have a bunch of cheap road bikes (low end quality, but cheap nonetheless...).

At work, they've closed down the HFAC for electrical renovations and everyone has moved out for the summer. Yesterday we had to go back in to move out a few more computers and got to use headlamps to do it in the dark. We've relocated ourselves into our secret clubhouse in the Museum of Art, with the Dean's Office in the gallery just outside. So, I gotta go crawl into our cave for the next few hours.

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