This may seem way out there and Doc Brown-ish (Jumping Gigawatts!), but I got curious, what color is 632nm? It's orange-red. That's peculiar. Why would that have such crazy benefits to us and our tissues? Oh wait, what wavelength is strongest from the sun? Right about the color put out by Hydrogen at 650nm but it puts out the most of its energy in that general range of orange. Woa!
We're floating around this universe that's flooded with all sorts of radiations. X-Rays are generally destructive in appreciable amounts. UV rays send electrons flying about. Infrared rays tend to speed up the movement of whole molecules, speeding up molecular reactions. Too much infrared (too hot) and biological systems as we know them quit working or work so fast that it can't be properly controlled or used. So there's our Sun. A nice medium-sized star that puts out the majority of it's radiation within the visible spectrum. A nice middle range for life to flourish. And under this unique spectrum flourish it does! And our systems are SOOOO adapted to it that our primary source of information comes from the visible spectrum, our systems are put together in such a way that the peak of this visible light we get is beneficial to us-- even dependent on it--, and our planet is put together so perfectly to filter out most of the destructive other radiation.
This may still not make much sense, but the gist of it to me is that this universe was created for life to thrive. Life is not some niche that has squeezed its tiny foothold into the universe, but the sole purpose of this universe is to support life by properly supporting the atomic properties conducive to life. Of course it can be argued the other way, but my own personal experiences and research, backed up by theindependent experiences, studies and research of millions of others show that there is a God and that he loves us and that his greatest work is to bestow life into this universe.
Now back to my paper. I want to get this thing done tonight even if I have to stay up all night. I don't have much demanding my energies tomorrow so I'll be ok and it'll be really nice to have it out of the way and still have a day to refine it before Friday morning. Wish me luck.
Update (5 min after original posting): The burning of organic material (wood, wax, oil, etc) tends to burn at 1000 to 1100 degrees Celsius which also happens to give off mostly deep orange light!
Intelligent design...what are the chances?
"My mind is blown" that I have such intelligent children! When Hans was in kindergarten, his teacher would tell the kids in her class to "kiss their brain" and so they would kiss their hand and touch their head. It was her way of teaching them how wonderful it was to have a good brain. Christian..."kiss your brain"! Thank you for exposing me to things I would probably never be exposed to.
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