Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Look me up on flickr by Lassensurf, or go right to this link to see new pictures (from Christmas to now) including the exclusive photo-op with brand new teen idol Leif Lassen!!


Debi Lassen said...

Thanks for the first photos of Leif! We are thrilled to get them. Hope you get to go home today and begin resting at home. He looks Wonderful! Can't wait to hold and love him!
Love, gramma lassen xoxoxxooxox

Else said...

nice facial hair... Haans says you're his hero! (His mean wife won't let him grow one) Leif is so cute. Congrats!!!

Kents said...

Yeay for Leif. I'm so happy for all of you. I can't wait to meet this little man! Thank you for the pictures, Christian, and please kiss Em for me. Great job guys!

Ditte said...

I'm so happy for you guys. I think the birthing experience is so amazing and I'm so proud of Emily. I've been thinking about her a lot. I just love the name Leif. It was actually one we have considered. It's just beautiful and so is he.