Saturday, February 14, 2009

Not much today

After a terrible morning of practicing on plastic teeth I took a lunch break and watched a bunch of trailers on Apple's website, got curious to read about Che Guevara, and a few other things on Wikipedia. Now I'm writing here while listening to a really cool group, Ratatat. (Don't watch the videos unless your brave to the weird, but the music's chillin)

For those curious, no baby yet. Emily has hit 41 weeks today so no worries or anything, she says she'll get induced probably by Thursday just to avoid hitting 42 weeks (since the risk of complications increases after 42 weeks. Two days ago she had it out with her OB who tried to bully and coerce Emily into getting induced IMMEDIATELY ("You can still deliver the way you want, I just want you to have a little pitocin and an epidural" ???????????? Seriously???????). The woman had absolutely no reasoning capabilities, just a robot programmed to get babies out after 40 weeks hit (if the patient managed to wait that long) by any means necessary. The hospital even recently changed their inducing policy because doctors are too aggressive requesting inducements. 

Thats our dish for the week. Ciao....


Cristin said...

I was thinking about Emily today. I pray she doesn't have to get induced. Try jumping jacks or walking. Lots and lots of walking... of course there's castor oil, but I heard that's pretty brutal, but perhaps not as bad as pitocin.

Debi Lassen said...

We have been praying for Em every day. We hope she has a wonderful birth experience this time! Be patient, Em...he'll come. Love you all!