Leif Christian Lassen (tentative but fairly certain on the name) was born yesterday February 17th at 7:47 pm weighing 8lbs 8 oz, stretching out at 20.5 inches, and a somewhat longish head still measuring 35cm (14-15 inches). He's already a voracious eater and really cute. Mom is doing great. I'll be calling around later today to tell the story in more detail to friends and family.
How thrilled and thankful we were when you called last evening to tell of his arrival. We have been praying specifically for Emily and the baby and our prayers have been answered positively! Can't wait to see him and all of you!
Love, gramma lassen
I'm so glad everything went well! I can't wait to see pictures.
Congrats! We're thinking of you all as we travel across the country this week!
G, A & J
Congrats! You need to send an email with pictures and how everything went.
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